“Do you believe Jesus was subversive?” That’s a question I asked my men’s LifeGroup several weeks ago. I think they sensed a trap…so they were a little cautious. But, finally, one said, “Well…yes. I think Jesus WAS subversive. Not of the Romans. But of the religious rulers.” “So,” I asked, “do you think WE are […]
The disappearing mountain
One of my favorite Chapel Hill memories is of joining the high school kids, year after year, on their home-building mission trips to Tijuana, Mexico. As we approached our campsite each year, we passed a mountain that had been turned into a gravel mine. Heavy equipment on top of the mountain illuminated by spotlights scraped […]
Don’t let 2020 stink
Have a holly jolly Christmas, it’s the best time of the year! So the song goes, and so it often is the case. But this year certainly is different. There’s nothing normal about Christmas this time around. How many of us have just a few less family members at the table, even if just as […]
Twas the NIGHTS before Christmas
Ten services. Two days. December 23 and 24. Four Classic. Six modern. And a partridge in a pear tree. Christmas Eve is the most popular, best-attended Chapel Hill service year after year. Christmas Eve EVE was a surprisingly well-received option which we first offered last year for the sake of those heading out of town…but […]
Regathering the flock
Sheep are mentioned more than 500 times in the Bible. Not surprisingly. Sheep were a mainstay of Hebrew culture. They were a primary food source and a necessity for the sacrificial rituals in the temple. So when David wrote, “The Lord is my Shepherd” or Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd,” it would have […]
Regret. I was thinking about the word the other day. (It’s one of the things I do…thinking about words. Kind of my thing.) “Re-gret.” “Gret” is an ancient word for “weep” or “wail.” The prefix “re” is borrowed from Latin words. It can mean “do again and again” (like re-peat) or it can mean “go […]
Not what we expected
“Wow…that’s not what I expected.” There have been many times in my travels when I have at least THOUGHT those words. I was excited to see the famous Stonehenge…and surprised at how underwhelming I found it. Not what I expected. When Cyndi and I traveled to Austria, she could not WAIT to see the church […]
A Thanksgiving message from Pastor Mark
Happy Thanksgiving, my Sweetheart Church! Among the things that I suspect we will give thanks for this week is that 2020 is about to end! All of us would offer up a hearty “Amen” to that, I’m sure. BUT…if we pause even a moment, every one of us will be able to produce a long […]
To describe something as “surreal” is to say that it is “bizarre, fantastic, difficult to believe.” “Surreal” could certainly describe 2020, the last vestiges of which we are counting down, many of us with glee, I suspect. If a year ago you had described what we now take for granted—everyone wearing masks, professional baseball games […]
1 Day in Port Orchard
Between now and Easter 2021 WORSHIP Join us for worship on Tuesday nights at 6:15 pm (4647 Sidney Road SW, Port Orchard, WA 98367) On another day, visit and praise and pray! Pull into the parking lot of our worship space. (The gates may be locked. Just park up by the Little League fields and […]