When I climbed Mt. Rainier with my two friends back in 1995, I remember looking up from the flank of the mountain and thinking, “I will never make it to the top.” The mass of rock and snow above us was huge, our pace seemed snail-like and it really seemed impossible. But we did what […]
Jesus is (still) Lord
Well…I was wrong. I said last Sunday that, come Wednesday morning, half of the country would be mad. Nope. As I write this early Wednesday morning, the WHOLE country is mad as we stumble-bumble our way towards election clarity. I am intentionally writing this blog at this time because I want to lean into the […]
How to fulfill your unique calling
My beloved Sweetheart Church: We are going to be preaching through the book of Daniel beginning in January, a wonderful study about a man who was living as an exile in a foreign land and yet found a way to be both faithful to God and useful to his culture. In a very real sense, […]
Love endures…
I’ve walked this earth for almost 64 years. I cannot recall a year that was more incessantly irksome. Pandemic, economic travails, political nastiness, racism, violence, wildfires, blood moons … and blood-red suns … it has felt apocalyptic. But it has not all been bad. At least for the Toones. There have been some sweet, redemptive […]
Delayed…but not forgotten
Of all the challenges COVID-19 has posed pastorally in these last eight months, the loss of human connection has been the hardest for me. Ordinarily, our deacons and pastors partner up to call on people in the hospital. It is all but impossible now. Often in the past, I have been called to a person’s […]
Our united state?
It might seem quaint and old-fashioned to a younger generation, but I remember starting every school day standing by my desk, hand on my heart, staring at the American flag hanging on our wall and listening as, over the intercom, a disembodied voice led us in familiar words: “I pledge allegiance….to the flag…of the United […]
Moments of normalcy
In a crazy season like this, we need to look for and grab onto moments of normalcy just to remind us that God is still in control and everything is going to be okay! One of our signs of “normalcy” at Chapel Hill is actually abnormal for most churches: we ordain a lot of pastors. […]
Hill Stories Podcast
Hill Stories is a podcast of encouragement by Chapel Hill members for Chapel Hill members featuring stories of the Lord’s provision and guidance as experienced in their own lives. Join Dave Wilson and Tiffany Moore. Find our podcasts on Apple, Google, or Spotify. LISTEN TO HILL STORIES […]
Some GREAT news!
I am so excited and grateful to be able to share with you that our in-person worship attendance numbers continue to grow. Of course, our online numbers are still higher and this is to be expected. Many of our congregation are rightly concerned about their vulnerability to COVID-19 and are wisely worshiping with us from […]
JSMK Patient Story
This year, your participation in the 13th annual Run for Relief (Saturday, April 9) will provide support to the Jungle School of Medicine – Kawthoolei (JSMK). Dr. John Shaw shared a malaria patient’s story with us, in pictures, to describe one of the ways our support has helped JSMK: “This is a patient I cared for last […]