You may not believe it but someday, this COVID stuff will be behind us! It will become part of our lore and, predictably, we will bore our grandchildren to death with stories of how we lived through the Great Quarantine. There is a lot about COVID that is, obviously, very irritating. I’ll confess, I had […]
Refreshing our look
It’s hard to believe that we’ve already been in our “new” house for three years. Frankly, although we’d always dreamed about living in downtown Gig Harbor, we didn’t believe we could ever afford it. But when our realtor found us the proverbial “worst” house on the block with an incredible view, we knew we’d come […]
Passover plague
Hello, my Sweetheart Church! After a brief road trip through Idaho (Twin Falls is beautiful!), Utah, and Montana, Cyndi and I returned to spend a Staycation in beautiful Gig Harbor. Lots of golf, biking, walking, gardening…and Portuguese lessons. It’s been great! Being home also allowed us a chance to join in our return to in-person […]
Worshipping with Hamilton
My wife Megan and I watched Hamilton, the hit Broadway musical that blew away the box office and made cultural waves, now available on Disney+ in these strange times. We’d heard positive reviews from friends who’d gone to see it in person, read articles about it, saw the memes and other ways it had filtered into the […]
I wept.
I didn’t make it through the first stanza of the first hymn. As we sang “Be Thou My Vision,” I began to weep. I had no idea how much I missed worshipping with my church family. Of course, it was only a portion of that family. Ninety-two to be exact. If you’d told me four […]
I can’t wait to see you!
We are so excited that this weekend marks the relaunch of our in-person worship services. It has been 16 weeks since we last gathered together in our Sanctuary on March 8, and although it has been wonderful to gather online during this season, we have missed you all and can’t wait to get back together. […]
My top 5 dad excuses
This season has certainly been quite the season to be parenting kids at home! I’ve enjoyed all the opportunities to spend more time with my kids, but it has also been quite testing at times, especially when it comes to homeschooling my kids. I remember one point when I was trying to do a school […]
Hello world!
Leo integer malesuada nunc vel risus commodo viverra. Nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor urna. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor. Id ornare arcu odio ut sem nulla pharetra. Tincidunt vitae semper quis lectus nulla at. Purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra. Felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam […]
Wait a second before you get mad
It is amazing and disheartening to me how eager we are to take offense. I knew that wading into my own personal reflections about my views on race and racism would stir things up. (Of course, in case you weren’t clear on it, that is actually part of the job description of a pastor/preacher. It […]
Updated plan to re-open Chapel Hill
Several weeks ago, we shared a four-step plan to gradually re-open Chapel Hill’s campus. Due to some state mandates that have changed somewhat, we have revised the plan and present it here for reference. GO HERE to see a larger version. We are currently in STEP 2. […]