Good evening, friend: In 586 B.C., King Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian army conquered the people of Israel, sacked Jerusalem, and destroyed Solomon’s beautiful temple. As was their custom, they led masses of the vanquished Jews back to Babylon where they would be held in exile and assimilated into their culture. But fifty years later, the Babylonians were […]
Sleep on This: Inured (May 27)
Good evening, friend! I suffered a head injury in an ice-skating accident in 2003. One enduring consequence is tinnitus; a constant ringing in my ears. Actually, it’s more like white noise than ringing. The fall broke “hair cells” in my ear, resulting in this constant auditory reminder that I should have worn a helmet […]
Sleep on This: The welfare of the city (May 26)
Good evening, friend! Cyndi and I were walking in Gig Harbor the other day, one of our favorite things to do. As we passed one of the many little shops that is shuttered, we lamented anew our concern for those business owners and, frankly, for the economic welfare of our town. It grieves us to […]
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Sleep on This: Memory Day (May 25)
Good evening, friend! As I stirred from sleep early this Memorial Day morning, this thought popped into my mind: “How can I remember what I never knew?” On a day devoted to memories, how can I remember something I never experienced? The Old Testament is replete with verses that urge the people of Israel to […]
On sacrifice
Let’s talk about sacrifice. There is something about being human that seeks out relatability. We want to share in the experience of others, practice that empathy emotion. But when I think of the idea of sacrifice, real sacrifice, I have a hard time finding where I can relate. Sure, we all make little sacrifices here […]
Four steps to re-open Chapel Hill
Since COVID-19 made it impossible for all of us to meet together for worship, you have taken the words “beyond these walls” literally and embraced this moment by worshipping in your homes, gathering in LifeGroups over Zoom, praying for one another virtually, and even changing the way you give money to Chapel Hill so that […]
Sleep on This: Shiny (May 15)
Good evening, friend: It’s the sort of story that deserves to be repeated…because it is such a great story. And because it puts my daughter, one of my favorite persons, in such a great light…literally. So, I repeat! My in-laws were visiting and my father-in-law, Boyd, announced he had lost a large diamond off of […]
Sleep on This: Good news about bad news (May 14)
Good evening, friend! “If it bleeds, it leads.” This familiar trope describes the state of the media today. Perhaps it always has, but never more than today. The more spectacular the bad news, the better. And like a rat that is mesmerized by the swaying of the cobra’s head, we find it almost impossible to […]
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Crisis resources
We know many are struggling during this time as we wade through the COVID-19 pandemic together. If you are feeling alone, afraid, or need any kind of help, here are some resources that might be able to help. Mental Health Monday Shannon Rickert Monday, Noon I Facebook Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 County Mental Health Resource […]
Sleep on This: The Bread Chronicles—a postscript
Good evening, friend: I know, I know—we were wrapping up this bread thing last week. But Cyndi gave me an idea. She pointed out that in John 6, where Jesus says, “I am the Bread of Life,” he concludes by saying, “Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” “Notice,” she said, “he doesn’t say […]
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