Good evening, friend! Cyndi and I slipped over to the coast for Mother’s Day weekend. It’s still great—but weird—that we can worship with all of you virtually. Even weirder when I raise my hands to receive the benediction—from myself! (BTW, if you missed our Mother’s Day services, I’d urge you to check it out. My […]
Sleep on This: Some sad news about Ravi Zacharias (May 11)
Good evening, friend: I received some very sad news this weekend. Ravi Zacharias, world-renowned apologist and a friend of Chapel Hill, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. The only treatment he will receive is palliative. He is returning to his home in Atlanta to share the final lap of his well-run life with his family. […]
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A weird and wonderful Mother’s Day
I enjoy Mother’s Day at Chapel Hill. So do you, apparently, because it is always one of our better-attended services. Moms and grandmoms show up, beautifully arrayed. If ever hats will make an appearance in a Chapel Hill service, this is the day. So grand! And of course, if EVER there is a day when […]
Sleep on This: The Bread Chronicles—scarcity (May 7)
Good evening, friend! In support of my nascent bread-baking career, I went searching again yesterday for a dough scraper. It’s just a wedge of silicone that you use to scrape clean the insides of your mixing bowl. (I borrowed one for the loaves I baked earlier this week and found it quite handy.) But even […]
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Sleep on This: The Bread Chronicles—a Father’s heart (May 8)
Good evening, friend. I managed to pace myself. I gave one of my inaugural loaves away and sliced the other one as thinly as possible so as to expand that single loaf’s provision and to NOT expand my waistline as quickly. But, as I munch my way toward the vestigial heel of that bread, I […]
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Sleep on This: The Bread Chronicles—leaven (May 6)
Good evening, friend! Every parent thinks their newborn is beautiful. But truth be told, some newborns are a little bit “beautiful-er” than the others! As enthusiastic and proud as I was of my inaugural sourdough bake, when I look at it a little more dispassionately, I realize that my loaf was in the less “beautiful-er” […]
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Sleep on This: The Bread Chronicles – what have you done for me lately?
Good evening, friend! Wow—did I strike a chord! I had no idea how many of you were bakers—or pretending to be bakers… or hoping to be bakers. But it sure explains why I can’t find bread flour or a dough spatula to save my life. (WinCo came through on the flour!) And a Danish dough […]
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Ways to serve our local outreach partners
TACOMA RESCUE MISSION Volunteer. TRM’s volunteer workforce is down by 95%. Volunteers practice social distancing and do not come in contact with guests, but rather prepare food to go. Sign up to volunteer. When approved, access the calendar for multiple locations. Fifth Saturday Dinner: Contact Chandra Hallam to volunteer with Chapel Hill. Make peanut butter […]
Sleep on This: Making bread (May 4)
Good evening, friend! One of my goals during this COVID-19 recess is to improve myself. Cyndi and I are taking online Portuguese lessons so that we can communicate with our beautiful new daughter-in-law, Deb. (Cyndi is more diligent than I; I am constantly playing catch-up!) But here’s one that I’m taking on all by myself: […]
The return of classic worship…online!
One of the things I try to teach my young colleagues is the importance of being nimble in ministry. When cultural shifts occur, too often the church is scrambling to keep up, much less get ahead of those changes. The gospel message is timeless but you MUST remain light on your feet in order to […]