Believe it or not, the holiday season is upon us! The radio stations are starting to change to Christmas tunes. The Christmas décor is available wherever decorations are sold. And now that we have finished stuffing ourselves with turkey and all the trimmings, the holiday season has officially begun! In light of this, we are […]
One unexpected way to connect with your neighbors
A few years ago we were living in a rural part of Gig Harbor, and we didn’t really know our neighbors, because well, they were so far away. We could see their house but to get there, we either had to climb a fence and walk through a drainage ditch, or we had to walk […]
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Loving God and loving our neighbors
In the last weeks, we have been talking about what it means to be for our city and for our neighbors. It has been so encouraging to hear stories of people from our church as they notice their city and get to know their neighbors. It may seem like a small thing, but being for […]
Keeping our kids safe
I’m sure every person in this church would agree: there is nothing more important than the safety, security and well-being of our kids. Which is why we invited the Department of Homeland Security to come in and assess our building with an eye to the security of our children. To sum up their response: our […]
Sum it all up
His name was Dr. James Bradley. He was a history prof at Fuller Seminary and he was, without a doubt, my favorite professor. His opening devotions and prayers were worth the price of admission. But then he would launch into the topic of the day—some aspect of Christian history—that captured me and carried me back […]
Our peculiar holiday
If you scan the calendar you will not find “St Andrews Weekend.” Google might offer up November 30, “St Andrews Day,” Scotland’s national day of celebration of their patron Saint. But “St Andrews Weekend?” Nope; we made that up. Years ago. I confess some culpability. I did my PhD in St Andrews, grew to love […]
If you love kids…
If you love kids—and we do here at Chapel Hill—I have some exciting and important news to share with you. First, I am delighted to announce that our new Director of Children’s Ministries, Paul Hargreaves, has arrived! He and his wife Gina (who is teaching in our Chapel Hill Preschool) bring LOADS of experience and […]
Dog with a bone
We raised German Shepherd puppies on our little three-acre alfalfa farm in Yakima. My grandpa was a butcher and he used to bring bones for them. If you’ve ever watched a German Shepherd gnawing on a cow’s knee joint, you understand the saying, “Like a dog with a bone.” They will work and gnaw and […]
Can you hear me now?
I once had an alarm that would sneak up on me. When it first turned on, it was very quiet. Then, it would grow slowly louder and louder. In those wee hours, I would have dreams that included a faint beeping sound in the background until, suddenly, I realized that the beeping was my alarm […]
I’m in!
It wasn’t on our tour itinerary. I don’t recall the first time I even heard it was possible, but when I found out—I jumped at the chance. It’s called the “Wall Walk.” You climb up steep stairs in an ancient tower near Jaffa Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem, and you can walk half […]