DAY 6 & 7 – Saturday & Sunday Daily devotional Author’s note: take one day to do these exercises and let the other be a Sabbath for your soul—on that day reflect on all you have learned and how the truths of this lesson may “offend the righteous”. Spend some time journalling and re-reading the […]
It all started with an invitation
He became a vital part of our youth ministry and was discipled by our leaders. He participated twice in our University Campus evangelism outreach programs at Arizona State University. He is studying philosophy and theology at Whitworth University and has a long-term dream of being a speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministry. He’s coming this […]
Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 5
DAY 5 – Friday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:22, John 5:19, John 6:38 Ask Even the scribes identify that Jesus has power in the spiritual realm, and that he is able to cast out demons. They mistake where he gets that power from, but they don’t question his ability or willingness to defeat evil. What […]
Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 4
DAY 4 – Thursday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:28, Romans 10:9-11, 1 John 1:9 Ask What is the good news for all those who accept the offer of forgiveness (Mark 3:28)? What is your response to Jesus—acceptance of his forgiveness, or rejection and opposition of his Holy Spirit? What does your eternity look like as […]
Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 3
DAY 3 – Wednesday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:29; Luke 12:10; Matthew 12:31-32 Ask The scribes, by accusing Jesus of having an unclean spirit, show hard-hearted rejection and opposition of God. They, by their hearts and their actions, have firmly rejected Christ and blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. What is the eternal consequence for rejection […]
Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 2
DAY 2 – Tuesday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:23-27; Matthew 12:22-32 Ask Why does Jesus give his response to his opponents in parables? What is the purpose of parables according to Mark’s gospel? (See Mark 4:10-12) Reflect Mark and Matthew give very similar accounts of the parables Jesus told the scribes (Pharisees) when they accused […]
Sick of Religion? Week 7: Intro/LifeGroup Questions
WEEK 7 This guide pairs with Mark 3:22-30 and the sermon preached at Chapel Hill April 6-7. Written by Tina Picard Tina has been a member of Chapel Hill for 12 years, along with her husband, Howie. Mom to two grown daughters, and Grammy to three delightful grandchildren. As a staff member, Tina serves in […]
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Sick of Religion? Week 7: Devotional Day 1
DAY 1 – Monday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:22-30; Mark 1:21-28; Mark 2:5-10; Mark 3:11-12 Ask What is the accusation of the scribes against Jesus? What do they say about his ability and where he gets that power from? Reflect In Mark 1, we learn that Jesus’ teachings were not like that of the scribes. […]
Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 7
DAY 7 – Sunday Daily devotional Read Mark 8:34-38; John 20:21; Matthew 9:37-38 Ask Where can you partner with Christ in mission and service? Consider a mission or service opportunity that your LifeGroup might do together this season. Being “on mission” together provides both the opportunity to be together and grow closer in relationship, and […]
Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 6
DAY 6 – Saturday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:14-15; Mark 3:34-35; Romans 14:17; Ephesians 4-6 Ask Jesus wants his disciples to “be with him” and be “sent out”. Who else is considered part of Jesus’ family and do you see yourself in that way? (See Mark 3:35) Reflect Jesus says that “Whoever does God’s will […]