“Unforgivable!” Have you ever heard those words spoken to you? Maybe it was an exasperated mom who was overstating the situation. Or maybe it was a friend who truly felt you had betrayed them in some way. Whatever, “unforgivable” is a very harsh pronouncement! Of course, the great news of the gospel is that Jesus […]
Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 5
DAY 5 – Friday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:13-19; John 15:14-16 Ask Who are your 12? Who are the people you lean into in times of trouble, and/or who you are equipping to be on mission with you, spreading the gospel together? Reflect The words “disciple” and “apostle” are often used interchangeably, but they have […]
Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 4
DAY 4 – Thursday Daily devotional Read Matthew 5:11-12; 2 Timothy 3:12; Philippians 1:9 Ask What is your natural response in times of conflict or opposition? Is there anything you need to learn from Jesus’ strategies for sustainable, effective continuation of his mission? Reflect All of us face opposition at some point. When Cara and […]
Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 3
DAY 3 – Wednesday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:13-19 Ask What is the purpose of Jesus drawing his disciples to him? (See verse 14) Reflect I was a journalism major in college. One summer, I and a number of my fellow students served as interns at the ABC TV affiliate in Houston, Texas. Accompanying reporters […]
Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 2
DAY 2 – Tuesday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:7-8; Mark 7:24-30 Ask Look on a Bible map at all the place names mentioned in this story, to get a picture of just how far word about Jesus had spread by this point in Jesus’ ministry. Reflect I’m a communicator, so I love positive publicity, but […]
Sick of Religion? Week 6: Intro/LifeGroup Questions
WEEK 6 This guide pairs with Mark 3:7-21, 31-35 and the sermon preached at Chapel Hill March 30-31. Written by Judson Taylor Director of Communications at Chapel Hill. I am a Jesus follower, husband to Cara, Dad to Jeremiah and Mercy, storyteller, alchemist of the persuasive arts, Anglophile, musician, music lover, armchair traveler, and theo-nerd. […]
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Sick of Religion? Week 6: Devotional Day 1
DAY 1 – Monday Daily devotional Read Mark 3:7-8; Matthew 12:14-15; Mark 3:13-15; Matthew 6:6 Ask Jesus is experiencing serious opposition by this point in the gospel. What is his response? Look for how he “withdrew with his disciples”, “went up on the mountain”, “called to him…and appointed 12”. Reflect We pick up Jesus’ story […]
Sick of Religion? Week 5: Devotional Day 7
DAY 7 – Sunday Daily devotional Read Mark 2:23-3:6 Ask What does this passage mean for your practical activities and motivation on the Sabbath? Is there anything you need to change about how you are keeping the Sabbath? Reflect If you had to pick out a keyword from the question above, which word would […]
Sick of Religion? Week 5: Devotional Day 6
DAY 6 – Saturday Daily devotional Read Ezekiel 20:19-20; Exodus 20:8-11 Ask How do you keep the Sabbath? Do you keep a Sabbath? Make a list of your traditions and motivations (current and past). Has anything changed over your life about what the Sabbath means for you? Reflect When I was in college, I had […]
The sermon starts in the parking lot
Believe it or not, Easter is just around the corner! While the average person may not think about Easter this early in the game (unless you’re quite the planner!), those of us who serve on staff at Chapel Hill have been planning for it for months—and there’s still much to do! “But,” you may be […]