DAY 6 – Saturday Daily devotional Read Mark 1:28, Mark 1:36-39, Mark 1:45 Ask What was the last piece of good news you received? Do you remember the first time you heard about Jesus? When did his free gift of salvation become irresistible to you? Reflect YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter—fame can spread overnight with the […]
There’s SNOW much going on at Chapel Hill!
I’ve been here 32 years and never seen anything like it! I walked out to knock the wet snow off a favorite tree and the drifts were up over my knees. Incredible! I have actually enjoyed Snowmageddon! Our son, Cooper, lived with us for the duration of the event. Cyndi made hearty blizzard-worthy meals. And […]
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Instagram Jesus Week 6: Devotional Day 5
DAY 5 – Friday Daily devotional Read Mark 1:25-27, Mark 4:39-31, Psalm 46:10 Ask When was the last time you grew still before God? What happens after Jesus commands silence or stillness in each story? How did the people witnessing the events respond? Reflect When my oldest daughter was a baby I learned to appreciate […]
Instagram Jesus Week 6: Devotional Day 4
DAY 4 – Thursday Daily devotional Read Mark 1:21-27, Mark 1:20, Ephesians 6:10-13 Ask What did the disciples learn about who Jesus is in the synagogue that day? What do Jesus’ actions and reactions teach you about his authority over unseen, dark parts of our world? What does that mean for your life today? Reflect […]
Instagram Jesus Week 6: Devotional Day 3
DAY 3 – Wednesday Daily devotional Read Mark 1:23-24, John 6:68-69 Ask Who’s someone you’re proud to be associated with? How would you respond to the question, ‘Do you know who Jesus is?’ How does being a follower of Jesus define you? Reflect I entered high school two years behind my big brother. He was […]
Instagram Jesus Week 6: Devotional Day 2
DAY 2 – Tuesday Daily devotional Read Mark 1: 21-23, Matthew 7: 28-29, Matthew 23: 1-12 Ask Which of Jesus’ teachings do you find most astonishing? What were the scribes and Pharisees doing that Jesus warned against? Reflect Following Jewish laws and customs was serious business and scribes were assigned the task of performing public […]
Instagram Jesus Week 6: Day 1 Intro/LifeGroup Questions
Written by Jena Meyerpeter Jena Meyerpeter and her family moved to Gig Harbor in the fall of 2017. Although she considers herself a Midwest girl at heart, she and her husband Josh are loving raising their three daughters here in the Pacific Northwest. Jena’s love for God’s Word inspires her to write and speak on […]
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Instagram Jesus Week 6: Devotional Day 1
DAY 1 – Monday Daily devotional Read Mark 1:21-28, Mark 1:15 Ask What does this story reveal about who Jesus is? Have you been amazed or astonished by the way God reveals himself in your life? Reflect Back in Mark 1:15 Jesus declared, “the kingdom of God is at hand,” and now we see Jesus […]
Worship Services Cancelled This Weekend!
A beautiful February morning to my Chapel Hill family! We rarely do this, but it appears weather conditions are such that it would be unsafe to encourage people to be out on the road tonight and tomorrow in order to attend church. So regrettably, we are cancelling all weekend worship services and activities at the […]
Instagram Jesus Week 5: Devotional Day 7
DAY 7 – Sunday Daily devotional Read Mark 1:14-15 Ask Where is God calling you to “repent and believe in the gospel”? Spend time reflecting about where you need to confess, change your behaviors and/or thought patterns and have faith in the good news of God’s saving power in Christ. Reflect Today’s Ask question brings […]