I grew up in a loving “churchgoing” family. Our family’s Christian faith was primarily based on how regularly we attended church and how often we recited a memorized prayer before meals during my formative years. Looking back, I recognize that God was someone I learned about instead of someone that I could know and have […]
Fundraiser for Student Ministry Scholarships
We invite you to participate in a fundraiser to support Chapel Hill’s Student Ministry Scholarship Fund. Contribute any amount to help raise funds for student ministry scholarships, facilitating participation in summer camps, mission trips, and other impactful activities. You can donate cash via the “money wall” in the Lobby or online. Self-addressed envelopes will also […]
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Welcome Our New Student Ministries Director!
I’m thrilled to announce a significant addition to our team that marks a new chapter in our commitment to youth formation and discipleship. We have just hired our new Student Ministries Director, Caleb Bagdanov, who brings a wealth of passion, experience, and dedication to our mission of nurturing the next generation of leaders to be […]
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Seamless Succession
It hardly seems possible that it was 13 years ago last January that I first laid eyes on him. I had just taken a red-eye flight to London and taxied into Oxford. Rich Jasper and I went right to a class being taught by our friend, John Lennox. Only one unoccupied seat remained, and I sat in it. […]
Congregational Meeting Nominees May 19, 2024
These are the nominees for Elder on Chapel Hill’s Session and a member of the Nominating Committee (please note this person is not an Elder on Session) to be approved at the Chapel Hill Congregational Meeting Sunday, May 19, 2024. Rosemary Lukens NOMINEE FOR ELDER ON SESSION I was raised on Orcas Island (somewhere in […]
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Always and Forever Love
My household in my teen years was predominantly female. You’d frequently find me and my sister hanging out with mutual girlfriends, wearing one other’s clothes, doing each other’s hair, and watching chick flicks with our mom (always with the all-important Galaxy chocolate bar!). My poor little brother had to put up with a lot! Now […]
Celebrate Pastor Mark & Cyndi
We want to thank Pastor Mark and Cyndi Toone for their 37 wonderful years of faithful service to Chapel Hill. Here are some important things to know: SAVE THE DATES! PASTOR MARK’S FINAL SERVICESun, Aug 25, ONE SERVICE ONLY @ 10:00 amChildcare for birth-Pre-K availableElementary Kids’ Worship takes place in Memorial Chapel @ 10:00 am […]
Belonging Beyond Boundaries
When a mother and her teen daughter magically trade bodies in Freaky Friday, the spring musical opening this weekend at Peninsula High School, audiences will experience a hilarious and very literal lesson in empathy. Who do you find exasperating? Or maybe just hard to figure out? Would you be willing to swap places in order to […]
From Announcement to Anticipation
Last Sunday morning I was on a plane back from a family trip. When I took my phone out of airplane mode at 10:30 am, I already had six text messages from people saying, “Did you hear the news?” I really wanted to respond, “What news?” and see how people navigated telling me via text […]
Two Great Reasons!
Cyndi and I had the privilege of attending the Masters Golf Tournament last week. It was a true bucket-list experience. Even if you aren’t a golfer, you know of the Masters. This was one of those times when the experience exceeded the expectation. And…there are things I learned at Augusta that translate well back into our life […]