
Fight Night

I remember years ago when Jenny and I were having a “tiff;” at least I considered it more of a “tiff” than a “fight.” I don’t even remember the issue, but I do remember her saying to me several times throughout the conversation, “You’re not listening to me.” And most likely I wasn’t! At the […]

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Our City

A few days ago, I made a mistake I’ve lately tried hard to avoid: I turned on the news. My senses were immediately inundated with the sights and sounds of our broken world: civil wars, terrorism, violence, racial divisions, epidemics, natural disasters, poverty, hunger, injustice. In that moment, as my heart hurt, I have to […]

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The Thailand Journey Continues

We arrived in Thailand on Friday, and we were still on our way to Laytongku on Sunday. It’s one of the interesting things about partnering with ministries in remote locations. Sometimes the journey feels just as long as our time in the destination. This is very true of our partnership with the village of Laytongku […]

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