I am quite certain that even the biggest political junkies among us reached a point last year when they said, “Enough, already! Let’s vote!” It was as tough and rancorous a campaign as I can remember in my lifetime. Well, the vote has been taken. And whether you agree with the politics of the outgoing president or of […]
Remember Your Baptism
Several years ago I was on business near my birthplace, Martinez, California (also the birthplace of Joe Dimaggio… so I’ve got that going for me!) I decided to find the little Congregational church my family attended while I was a baby. When I did, I went inside and asked the secretary if I could look at […]
Missing Christmas Already
One of the unfortunate things about the holiday season is how quickly it goes by. I did not grow up in the Presbyterian tradition, so the practice of Advent has been a relatively new and welcome one for me that’s made the Christmas season more rich and, better yet, prolonged. Yet, here we are a week later […]
A New Kind of Christmas for the Toones
This will be a different kind of Christmas for my family. For the first time—ever—we will not be celebrating Christmas in our family home. Cyndi and I sold it last spring and,a long with a lifetime of memories, we also left behind the venue that shaped every Christmas my kids ever knew. We won’t have a Christmas tree […]
An Heroic Rescue
It wasn’t a great movie, honestly, but it was an inspiring story. The other night, Cyndi and I watched “The Finest Hours.” It was the account of an unbelievably heroic rescue story. On February 18, 1952, during a severe “nor’easter” off the coast of New England, an oil tanker, Pendleton, broke in half. The bow sank, killing all […]
Christmas Memories
Christmas begins in July for the Dickersons. Choir directors start music research, purchasing and rehearsing long before the average person even thinks about the holiday (unless you are like my grandmother who had her shopping finished by March!). The tree, on the other hand, doesn’t make an appearance until Thanksgiving weekend. This year, our sixteen-year-old […]
Welcome to Advent
This is the first week of Advent! Advent comes from the Greek word adventus which speaks to the second coming of Christ. When was the last time you actively thought— I wonder when Jesus is coming back? I know the things I’ve waited for more recently are for the milk in the bottle to get warm, for […]
Watching and Waiting
There are two children in my life for whom I have prayed with more faithfulness and fervency than almost anything else in my life. One, adopted from Ghana, was added to my prayer list when I met her parents four years ago and agreed to run a half-marathon to fund-raise for her adoption. (What?!?! A half-marathon?!?! […]
One More Step Forward in Your Prayer Journey
This weekend I will preach the final message in our series, “Lord, Teach Us to Pray.” As I said from the beginning of this year-long emphasis on prayer, our goal is not that you will know more about prayer, although I believe that will be true. Our goal is that you will pray. More of you. […]
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A Community of Support
Joey’s and my first real date was scheduled for September 11th, 2001. Ever the romantics, we planned an afternoon that included Slurpees from 7-11 and playing Frisbee. Even from the very beginning, I knew this relationship had potential and was excited to look back at this silly first date in years to come. Instead, we […]