Here are some of the questions that congregation members asked after the sermon this past Sunday on whether God heals today. One person asks how we are to understand Jesus’ words that we will receive what we ask in faith, in light of unanswered prayer. For instance, when parents pray for a child who is […]
The Question I Have to Ask… What Would You Have¬†Me¬†Do?
The past 2 weeks have been heartbreaking as we have witnessed acts of brokenness unfold across our nation and around the world. While racial tension and discrimination, police shootings and shooting police, anger and hurt are not new to our world, our pain and bewilderment is fresh. And it causes me to ask a very […]
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Fearless Q – Write Back ‘Atcha On the End Times
Our sermon this past Sunday is something that is on a lot of believers minds lately – the end times. Pastor Larry answers some follow up questions below. […]
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Fearless Q – Write Back ‘Atcha On Gender & Sexuality
We tackled one of the more pressing, and difficult, questions for the church this past Sunday. Pastor Megan responds below to some of the questions offered in response to her sermon. […]
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August Is the Best!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year- almost! Before some of you start being concerned that I’m suffering from sunstroke, let me clue you in on a little secret: I love the month of August. And not because of the long, luxurious summer days, or the anticipation of my birthday in September, or our […]
An Invitation In the Shadow of Tragedy
I apologize for the extra email in your inbox today (if you’re receiving this blog post as an email), but it seemed a greater sin to be silent regarding the recent tragedies you may have seen in the news lately. Sometimes in ministry and faith we can live in the tension of celebration and mourning, […]
The Final Day in DC
Tonight we concluded our missions trip with a celebratory dinner, hosting most of the people we met along the way. Though a few faces were missing among us, our other guests were just as pleasant to see in our midst. Some of these people included Miss Tina, Reverend Buffalo, Pastor Will and his family, Ernst […]
Why a Car Show?
As you read this, cars, motorcycles, and trucks that have had the utmost of care and attention provided to them are lined up in the church parking lot. It’s overcast, but it looks like the rain is holding off for a bit. People mill about, listening to the Luke Stanton band play, buying a hot […]
Fearless Q – Write Back ‘Atcha On One Nation Under God
This past Sunday’s sermon was apropos in light of celebrating our nation’s birth. Listen in on a couple of the follow up questions raised after the sermon. […]
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DC Team Update
Hey y’all! The DC Dream Team started the day with a prayer breakfast at the Southeast White House, a faith-based meal where city-minded people can connect, anyone from congressmen to homeless men. I got to learn about DC and the people in it from local leaders while eating bacon. Afterwards, we were able to help lead a […]