I think, sometimes, we are afraid of questions. Especially as Christians. It’s one of the most common hangups I hear from people about sharing their faith: “What if someone asks questions I can’t answer?” We can even be afraid of the questions we ask ourselves, otherwise known as doubt. Have you ever doubted? Have you ever been […]
Religious Freedom
When King Solomon had completed construction of his magnificent temple, meant to be a house of prayer for all nations, the Lord appeared to him at night with this powerful promise: “…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, […]
Fair Warning
Last week Cyndi and I were in Spokane for the Whitworth Board meeting. It was a great time of connecting with many of our Chapel Hill kids and being reminded, once again, of the important ministry taking place in that university. It might also have been a high point, meeting-wise, for many of my colleagues […]
The Impact of The Story on Me
My LifeGroup sat on picnic blankets this week and talked about Jesus’ ministry. How Jesus spent with people and how they saw His power in healings and demonic deliverances. As we read and talked, our faces came alight with hope and faith in a powerful God! Then our prayer time felt like a sad contrast as we prayed for what […]
How was your trip?
“How was your trip?” I’ve been asked that question about 57 times in the two weeks since I returned from Cambodia. With teams returning from Cambodia, India and ASU the week before Easter, that question has been asked a lot around the halls of Chapel Hill. I’m certain answers range from amazing to life-changing to […]
Easter… at last!
Between the two biggest holidays of our faith, Christmas and Easter, sometimes Easter gets the short end of the stick. At least it can feel that way to me personally. I love Christmas. It’s easy to anticipate it, because everything we do at that time of year builds up to it. Lights, Christmas plays, Advent […]
Cambodia Team Report & Celebration
It’s been a week since our team arrived back from Cambodia. We are all back into the swing of life, school, work. Although I’ll be the first to admit that I still yearn for a nap around 1:00 each afternoon. And I’ll admit that I spend a lot of time scrolling through the pictures, my […]
Furthering the Kingdom at ASU
Man, let me tell you, it’s been a whirlwind. We’re out the door by 7:50 AM, and average coming back to the house around 10:30 PM. Aside for a few hours break in the middle of the day, that time is entirely focused on achieving the team mission; to further the kingdom at ASU. We’re […]
Is God Alive in India?
The plane touches down. Our excitement turns from thoughts of India to family and friends, routine and assimilation back to daily lives. Our lives will be different after this India experience and we search for ways to keep our memories alive and use what we have learned in this far away land and apply it […]
Which Way Is Jesus’ House?
Over the last few days I’ve had to break the news about my dad to many people. Sometimes it’s been easier, although it’s never been easy. But the hardest was to tell Evelyn, my two-year old daughter. Evelyn loved Granda. Granda played Duplo with her, Granda danced with her, Granda her took her out for […]