Yesterday was a FULL day for us at ASU; as a team we distributed fliers, held up giant sparkly question marks, took surveys on whiteboards (Mine asked if morals or success was more important, Drew’s asked if God existed) and both Eric England (Eric Major) and Ellis each led someone to new life in Christ. […]
Fearless Q – Questions That Need Answers
Today, a team of six of us are heading to Arizona State University to spend a week working with RZIM and several campus ministries there (such as InterVarsity, Cru, Navigators, Athletes in Action, and YoungLife), sharing Jesus with the students of ASU. Our hope is to create a safe space in which people can explore […]
God’s Grace
By Randy Cook for the Team It doesn’t seem that long ago that I made my first trip to Cambodia and met a people whom I have come to adore and cherish. Now I am on my fourth trip – and what’s more – my daughter, Maddie, is part of the team this year. What […]
8 Women in a Semi-Circle
Humbly 8 women stand in a semi-circle before us. They are dressed in their finest saris, gleaming braids falling down their backs, shyly smiling at us. Their work of the last 15 days is displayed before us. Necklaces made of beads, stones and medallions are a crayon box of colors lying on the table. The […]
Delhi Immersion Experience
Na’maste from India! Halfway into our trip, it seems as though we just got here and yet, like we have been here much longer. The sights, smells, and sounds are becoming familiar and the people with whom we are interacting are becoming very dear to us. I am beginning to wonder how we will ever […]
Holy Week
Last Sunday 50 of us returned from a pilgrimage to Turkey. Despite the headlines, we never felt insecure, and it was a truly inspiring experience to walk and stay in the places we read about in Acts, Revelation and the letters of Paul. Perhaps my favorite spot this time was one that my daughter Rachel […]
Marriage Training in Poipet
Today is our third day of teaching on marriage in the city of Poipet. Our teaching team consists of myself, Craig and Anita Baldwin and our translator Monorom, a full-time employee with CHO. We started on Monday with forty students. By the end of the day on Tuesday our class had grown to seventy as […]
Their Joy is Ever Present
Heads pop out of doorways and eyes follow us as we walk down the alley towards the Catalyst House. A group of 7 western women must seem odd to the residents of this neighborhood village. We reach the entrance to Catalyst and can hear the giggles of the girls before we even step inside. Once […]
From Darkness to Light, from Death to Life
Dear Family and Friends: Our team left Phnom Penh Saturday morning and drove to Poipet, home to the Cambodia Hope Organization (CHO). We enjoyed the comfort of our air-conditioned 20-passenger bus. The passing countryside, conversations, riddles, and attending to the wild driving (or not attending to it) made the 9-hour journey more enjoyable. Though we […]
Greetings from New Delhi
Hello! And greetings from New Delhi, India! After a 14 and half hour flight, layover in Dubai, and then another 3 and a half hour flight, we made it safe and sound. We were greeted right outside of customs by our dear friends Abhisheck, Angie, and some of the people at Catalyst. They were holding […]