And often the busiest! Even as I try to create space to dwell upon the mystery of God coming to us in the form of baby, I find myself distracted by all of the places to go, things to do, and people to see that come with this season. There’s a law of the universe […]
Christmas Music
One of the best things about Christmas is the music. Last night, I sat down at my piano and played through every Christmas carol in the hymnal… twice! (I particularly enjoyed a boogie-woogie version of Go Tell It On the Mountain, a rendition the original writers never imagined, I’m sure!) If you love Christmas music, […]
Lonely This Christmas
As a child one of my memories of Christmas was that my parents would always invite people into our home on Christmas day who found Christmas difficult or couldn’t spend it with their family. Each year for part of the day, someone would come to our home for food and drink and my family would […]
Have a Happy New Year!!
Hey, Chapel Hill Family, Before you think that I’ve totally lost my mind and decided to just skip December all together, hear me out. Over the course of the history of the Christian Church, a little something called the Church Year developed. Aside from logistically helping people figure out what day of the week Christmas […]
A Gloom Over the City of Light
On August 8, 2014, Cyndi and I boarded the Eurostar train for a high-speed trip through the Chunnel to Gare du Nord for the beginning of our Silver Wedding Anniversary adventure in Paris. We walked for miles and miles through (and past) countless museums, beautiful parks and hundreds of café bistros filled with lovers, friends […]
Let Me Tell You a Story…
Let me tell you a story about how a cup of coffee can bring the dead back to life. You might be thinking that happens daily with your morning “cup of joe”, but I am talking about a roast of eternal significance here. At Underground Coffee it starts underground (logically) in the poverty stricken dirt […]
Our Own Chapel Hill War Hero
Each Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day at Chapel Hill, we honor those who have served our country and pray for our servicemen and women, as well as our nation’s leaders. With the presentation of the Colors this Sunday, we will honor a World War II veteran and one of our own Chapel Hill members—Ray Payne. […]
Introducing Michael Reed Hackman
On St. Andrew’s Sunday, while you all were celebrating the memories of so many loved ones, we were welcoming a new loved one into the world. Michael Reed Hackman was born on Sunday, October 25 at 2:34pm. We could not be enjoying our first few days as parents more. You all know and share with […]
Joyous News
Join us in praising God for his great mercy: Michael Reed Hackman, born Sunday, October 25 at 2:34 p.m., weighing 9.36 pounds. Baby, mommy and daddy are all doing great! Hallelujah! Pastor Mark […]
Sad Family News
Early Thursday morning I received a call telling me that Malinda Thomas, wife of our dear guitarist Dave Thomas and mother to Jordan and Dylan, had died suddenly in the night. As I write this, we await news about the cause and, of course, are rallying around this beloved family as only the Body of […]