When you hear the word overflow, what do you think of? A beautiful fountain in a city park? An overfull drink in an unsteady hand? Pastor Larry’s sermon illustration from Sunday? An accident you once had when removing a toilet in a home renovation? Well… Right now, I think of my two year old daughter, […]
Updates from Swaziland
This is an awesome picture of the team in Swaziland! Here are the updates we received over the weekend. (Short text blasts from Deb Robertson, the team leader….) August 8th – Just got to the farm an hour ago. Long trip with a detour or two, but all are fine. Just tired. Up early for […]
In Summer!
“Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle, But put me in summer and I’ll be a – happy snowman!” If you’re at all susceptible to pop culture, you’ll recognize this as a line from the movie Frozen’s loveable snowman, Olaf, in his song titled, “In Summer.” As I think about the upcoming Overflow event, […]
Swaziland Team Departure
Our Swaziland Go Team officially launched this morning. This fun picture is a reminder to keep them in prayer as they make the long journey to New Life Homes. Some specific prayers: That Peter and Mary Jean Kopp and Tiersa Chafin, our missionary partners at New Life Homes, would be especially encouraged by the team […]
August Shenanigans
Happy Summer, Everyone! Don’t you just savor this month where our seasonal rhythm has us outside and out-of-town? I want to invite you to continue to worship God daily even as you might be traveling. And I want to invite you to worship God outside in his creation! Even though the sun’s shining, let’s remember […]
Connecting the Disconnected
A few times every year, the Pastoral Team heads off to Pacific Beach for a retreat to spend time together asking God what He has in store for us as a church in this next season. I love our times spent sharing meals, praying, going for runs on the beach, studying Scripture, toasting marshmallows, and […]
Disciple-making As Lifestyle
We knew the name, Doug Burleigh, for nearly two years before we ever met. He is known to this community as a friend, pastor, as the guy who does that stuff in Russia, as a former YoungLife president, and as the one who introduced us to the original 90 Day Challenge. I will always remember him […]
Some further thoughts on the Supreme Court Ruling
While on vacation, I had the privilege of listening to Pastor Larry’s powerful sermon from last week about how the Holy Spirit is on the move. Specifically, he addressed how we ought to respond to the recent Supreme Court ruling which determined that same-gender marriage is a constitutionally protected right. Larry reminded me that though […]
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Return from Haiti
It’s been a little over a week since our return from Haiti, and quite honestly, it has taken every bit of that time to understand some of the stories and experiences to adequately represent the trip. Here are a few snapshots of some lasting impressions: We love World Relief. As many of you know, one […]
Happy Fourth of July!
Happy Fourth of July to those of you who are reading this E-bulletin today! This is my and Jennifer’s first July 4th holiday in Gig Harbor since moving from Southern California last fall. We are looking forward to some luscious, juicy BBQ burgers and a full display of fireworks on Raft Island! July 4th always […]