What did you learn about the Holy Spirit? He empowers people to preach with boldness (4:8,31). What did you learn about the Spirit-filled community? They “were one of heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them” (4:32 NASB). […]
Yes, I’m talking to you!
This e-bulletin is mostly intended for Chapel Hill members, long-timers and newbies alike. (Of course, the rest of you are very welcome to read along!) As most of you know, our mission at Chapel Hill is “working together to present everyone mature in Christ.” It is our calling to help every single person take one […]
Acts 2:42- Acts 3 – By the Spirit We Are Conspicuous
What did you learn about the Holy Spirit? When He fills the disciples, they can do wondrous things in Jesus’ name (3:6,12). What did you learn about the Spirit-filled community? They live in community, sharing everything and praying together (2:42-47). They grow as people are being saved (2:47). Notes from Pastor Mark One of the […]
Read More… from Acts 2:42- Acts 3 – By the Spirit We Are Conspicuous
Our Greatest Treasure
If I were to ask you to name the greatest treasure we have as a church, what would you say—besides the gift of the Holy Spirit? I know my answer: Kids. I love the fact that our church building is full of evidence of kids of all ages. Bustling, squirming and sometimes stinky nurseries! Sunday […]
Zambia Team Returns
As we enjoyed these beautiful brothers and sisters in Lusaka at the various schools under the Church of Central Africa, we recognized how we are far more similar than different. We all share the same life challenges such as family concerns, education, parenting, and reaching out to and serving the needs of the community so […]
Acts 2:1-41 – By the Spirit We Are Filled
What did you learn about the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit rests on and fills the whole crowd of followers of Jesus (2:3-4). What did you learn about the Spirit-filled community? The community is given the ability to preach “the mighty deeds of God” and be understood by all the nations of people in Jerusalem […]
God Moments
Tuesday welcomed us with a reading from Jesus Calling. We were reminded about looking for the “God Moments” in Heaven here, in the present. We spent today visiting with the Synod of the CCAP. We learned about their many projects which include among other things the business needs to grow physically, the development of Institutes […]
Acts 1 – By the Spirit We Are Obedient
What did you learn about the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit gave orders through Jesus to the apostles (1:2). The Holy Spirit comes to the disciples through a baptism of the Holy Spirit (1:5). What did you learn about the Spirit-filled community? The purpose of the community being filled with the Holy Spirit is in […]
The Envelope Please!
It may seem like ancient history! Things move pretty fast around here. But you will recall that last November, we had an event called Covenant Sunday. After several weeks studying what Jesus said a disciple “looked like” in the Sermon on the Mount, we were invited to make a covenant with the Lord; to turn […]
Zambia Mission Underway
Greetings friends and family! Muli Bwanji (How are you?) We finally arrived in Zambia one day late and with only one lost suitcase – now found!! We were gifted the time in Dubai to experience this international culture. Now, securely in Zambia, our mission is fully underway. Yesterday, after a high-paced drive on the “wrong […]