Category: Port Orchard

Making a home everywhere we go

Bert Miner pointed out something to me that I had missed. We had been looking for places where we might gather for worship around Port Orchard, and I had naively valued location, price and ease as the top of needs for a temporary location. Bert, however, having worshipped with us with his wife, Cathy, since […]

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Teaching trust takes time

The Exodus story about manna serves as a great comfort at first glance – daily provision of bread; no hunting for it, no waiting, no wondering, just there, every day. Sure, it became bland and repetitious, but at least you could count on it. How good of God to deliver it to people wandering the […]

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God provides… again!

Who would have thought that two days before Christmas Eve that it was even possible for twelve pastors, school administrators, and ministry leaders to reply to an urgent email? And yet, that’s exactly what happened.   Subject Line: SOS!  Response: (universally) We’ll see if we can help!  Every single person was on vacation and/or preparing for Christmas. I was overwhelmed […]

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Christmas Is Coming!

We did a whirlwind tour of New York City last week. The six-month cohort we’re part of met there (who gets a group of pastors together the week before Christmas?!). Well, they promised Christmas magic, and New York City delivered. I don’t just mean Rockefeller Center or the Disneyland-style presentation on Saks 5th Ave. The […]

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Chapel Hill Port Orchard: big announcement!

We’re delighted to share the news that Pastor Larry will now fully dedicate his ministry work to Port Orchard! The timing reflects our shared call to serve Jesus together in Kitsap County and the local congregation’s readiness to receive additional ministry staff support.  You’re accustomed to seeing Larry on Sundays and team nights, but you […]

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Do I really need more lights?

Spur of the moment—the time was set aside for sermon preparation, but I wrote this instead. It made sense, given all the questions swirling in my brain at that moment: “Can I spend $$$$$$$ on a remodel? It’s just supply and demand, right?” “How reasonable it is to buy four more strands of Christmas lights?”; […]

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Hurry up and slow down already

“Yala, Yala!” I can hear a co-worker enticing us to transition into a meeting.  “Pali-Pali!” I can hear a professor teaching us about Korean culture to get moving.  “Let’s go!” I can hear myself calling out to my family from the garage just about any day.  It’s human nature, right? Productive. Efficient. Multi-tasking. These attributes rank high as points of praise for employees, students, and kids alike.  […]

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