What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus reiterates that he is divine (verse 8). Jesus was a student of the Word (which speaks to importance of OUR studying and memorizing the Word). What did I learn about disciple-making? Again, our genuineness as disciples is clearly evidenced by the fruit of our lives. When you follow […]
Reflections from the Latongku Medical Clinic
As I tried to prepare for the medical aspects of this trip, I found it difficult to get a handle on reliable information on basic healthcare and health statistics in the Karen people along the Thai/Burmese border where we have been traveling. It quickly became evident in talking with the many different medical assets on […]
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Matthew 11
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus shares a strong identity with the Father (verse 27). Jesus faced opposition (verses 20-24). What did I learn about disciple-making? The comfort for our doubts is the surety of who Jesus is evidenced in the life he lived (verse 1-19). Disciple-making is an invitation to rest and labor […]
You aren’t as relational as you think you are!
A team of us went to a disciple-making conference back in October. Frankly, we were prepared. We had read all the materials, we were “talkin’ the talk,” we were committed to disciple-making as our way forward as a congregation. So, one morning, our co-facilitator said, “We’ve decided to throw away the script. You guys understand […]
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Matthew 10
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus passed on his authority to heal and teach to his followers. Jesus sent his followers to face persecution without fear. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus promised that the road would not be easy for disciple-makers; there would be persecution and hatred directed at his followers (verses […]
Meeting a Celebrity!
Our Thailand/Burma Vision Team continues their journey! In the last few days they have gone to visit the medical clinic in Latonku and met with Eilya, the co-founder of the Free Burma Rangers. They commented that it was, “like meeting a celebrity!”. All are well and they continue to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to […]
Matthew 9
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus claims to be God (verses 1-8). He loves to do new things that unsettle us… and that old systems can’t hold. What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciples are called right in their places of work (verse 9). He commands us to be good shepherds to the crowds…harassed […]
Matthew 8
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus has the power to heal—physical and spiritual (see esp. verse 16). Jesus has power over nature (verse 26). Jesus was a “going” God…he “goed” (went) and He bids us to go in faith and obedience. Where do I go today at His bidding? What did I learn about disciple-making? […]
The journey continues!
It’s impossible to get anywhere on time! Although we are a fairly low-maintenance team, everywhere we go in this country we run into someone who knows Laurie or one of the other Eubanks and we are halted for a short time. Typically it is a divinely timed connection and needed information, supplies, transformation, encouragement or […]
Matthew 7
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus spoke with authority—the authority to teach and to judge. Jesus does not want fans… fawning admirers… He wants followers. What did I learn about disciple-making? Again, whether or not someone is a disciple can be seen by their fruit. Extended thoughts and observations: This is an embarrassment […]