Go to the Movies! I don’t often make movies recommendations, but I will today. This Friday, Son of God will open at our local Galaxy Theatre and across the country. This movie is produced by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, committed Christians who recently produced the blockbuster TV series, The Bible. My understanding is that […]
Happy Weekend!
The building may have been closed this past week, but I hope you had some quality time with God in his Word this week. We are currently in the middle of a Luke class on Wednesday nights. I want to share with you some reflections from one of the members of the class on Luke […]
The Need for a Savior
As you read this blog post a group of teenagers and adults from Chapel Hill, including your intrepid senior pastor, are hard at work building homes for several families in Mexico. You can read their updates by clicking HERE. These homes would pass for equipment sheds if they were built here in the states. Pray […]
Mexico – Day 3 (Tuesday)
Day 2 and and Day 3 have gone great! We are currently working on getting the roofs on and today (Wednesday) we’ll have our first coat of stucco!! The students have been working hard and having a ton of fun. There have been a lot of Mexican children running around, which has given many of […]
Mexico – Day 1 (Sunday)
Dustin Harrison, High School Director, called last night. The team arrived in camp safely. The full moon and stars were shining in with God’s glory. Prayers for Monday’s start of the building process. 5 homes are going to be built – and one of them is a “double” – two houses attached together using two […]
Mexico – Day 2 (Monday)
Today was the first day at the sites – preparing the foundation footings, then mixing and spreading concrete in the foundation and at the same time starting to build walls. All sights are ahead of schedule. The weather was really warm, but everyone was drinking a lot of water – they even had to refill […]
Good News, Bad News, Good News
One of the high points of our Jubilee Celebration last November was the announcement that $1.2 million had been given and pledged to our Jubilee Debt initiative. A couple weeks ago, we cut a check to eliminate $500,000 (basically all of the cash received to date from the pledges) of that debt. Good news, indeed! […]
Lance Brown Called to New Ministry
About a year ago, Lance Brown, our intrepid and energetic Minister of Renewal, told me that he was feeling called by God to expand his ministry in the Middle East. This ministry, which was launched by Chapel Hill, combines the first Celebrate Recovery program ever in the Arab world with a lay counseling program, also […]
2014 High School Mexico Build
High School Mexico Build […]
We’re Having A Party!
What a party it is going to be this Sunday! People showing up, dressed in team colors. A buzz in the room! Lots of preliminaries to get everyone warmed up including some very clever commercials. An epic battle between the good guys and the bad guys… with the good guys guaranteed to win. To top […]