Hello Chapel Hill! Just a short update to let you know that if you missed the Stakeholder meeting regarding Student Ministries last night, the audio is now available online. Click here to listen in your browser and here to download the mp3. […]
Thailand – Day 4 & 5
This is a combined report covering a few days. After breakfast and team meeting, we packed into the trucks again for our trip to the village of Laytonku (about 2,000 people live in that area). Allan Eubank was called to this village in 1962, and he and his children continue to have a special place […]
Thailand – Day 3
It is now early morning on Day 4, but here is a summary of our adventures on Monday: After a wonderful breakfast, we piled into 3 trucks and a van for the start of our drive. The area is so beautiful – mountains, all types of trees, farm land on the side of hills, cows […]
Cambodia Day 1 -A Day of Travel
Our team has some catching up to do with our blog posts. Currently we are in Poipet working with the Cambodian Hope Organization (CHO). Lets start back at the beginning… Tuesday, September 10 & Wednesday, September 11 We had a long day of travel but we were blessed with easy flights and smooth connections. We […]
Thailand – Day 2
It’s Sunday evening, and we just arrived in Mae Sot, about a 5 hour drive from Chiang Mai. We had a delightful morning at the Eubank’s church, then went to their home for lunch. We met several new friends, enjoyed Joan’s marvelous hospitality and then heard stories from Allan. He is so passionate about Jesus […]
And We Are Off!
The Run For Burma is not just an event at Chapel Hill, but a chance to expose our community to the humatarian crisis which the Burmese people face. Our community engages in a 5K run as a chance to run for those whom have no chocie but to,literally run for their lives. Over the past […]
Thailand – Day 1 and 2
It is 8am onSunday, September 8th in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The team is waking up to a beautiful morning at the Eubank’s ranch. We have been blessed on this trip so far. Flights were as scheduled, and when we arrived in Chiang Mai at 10:30pm, the head of the airport and customs escorted us through […]
The Climb of Your Life!
Biblical Israel celebrated three annual festivals: Pentecost, Tabernacles and Passover. These were festivals of pilgrimage because every Jew within a certain distance of Jerusalem was required to stop what they were doing and travel to the Holy City to join with hundreds of thousands of other Jews in those great celebrations. Because Jerusalem is built […]
GO Team to Thailand
GO Teams (Global Outreach Teams) are made up of members and friends of Chapel Hill. These are the members of our 2013 Thailand GO Team. Left to right: Jennifer Nickels, Linda Po, Brad MacKinnon, Jesse MacKinnon, Melodee MacKinnon, Molly MacKinnon, Sarah Hunt, Betsy Hunt, David Hunt, Laurie Dawson Not pictured: Sheri Fillmon, Katie Stanley The […]
GO Team to Cambodia
GOTeams (Global Outreach Teams) are made up of members and friends of Chapel Hill. These are the members of our 2013 Cambodia GO Team. Back row: Jonathan Lawson, Maurie-Lynn Lawson, David Fisher, Betsy Hunt, Craig Baldwin, Buck Frymier; Front row: Kathy Eliasen, Kevin Williams, Dan Griswold, Julie Hardin, Anita Baldwin Not pictured: Randy Cook Our GO […]