I’ve been carrying it around for three days, now. A printout, 23 pages long, single-spaced. A running list of what I asked from you in an e mail last Monday. I asked you to share your deepest experience of loss, and it unleashed a torrent! Death, disease, abortion, desertion, divorce, imprisonment… the words on the […]
Easter Week
Easter egg hunt signs are all over town. Isn’t it delightful to see scores of children spread out all over the parks with their little baskets, excited to find each and every colored egg? Toddlers and young ones alike bending low, looking high, searching until every last one is found. In a garden a group […]
Jekyll or Hyde?
One of my favorite moments on our tours to Israel is when we drive to the top of the Mt. of Olives and let the people out to gasp at the view of old Jerusalem below them. After taking a hundred pictures and the obligatory camel ride, we begin our walk down the steep hillside, […]
What Does This Say About Us?
Dr. Luke wrote the book of Acts to describe the birth and growth of the Christian Church. Early on, in chapter 2, this is his summary comment about the early Christians: “Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. […]
Apparently, it doesn’t matter what you believe!
This last week my friend Stuart McAllister, of Ravi Zacharias Ministries, has been in Gig Harbor for a well-earned mini-sabbatical. I invited Stuart to meet with our leadership team on Tuesday morning, and as he shared with us he mentioned something that I found very disturbing… and too true. Stuart quoted someone who said that […]
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Run for THEIR Lives!
Ten years ago, we had an idea. Actually, Shari Monson, our Director of Missions, and new member Laurie Dawson hatched an idea. Since we were supporting the mission of Dave and Karen Eubank to the displaced people groups of Burma… who were being persecuted and killed by their country’s own military. And since these people […]
It Shall Be A Jubilee For You!
So many of you request prayer on Sunday mornings for family members who do not yet believe in Jesus. We are right there with you, praying for members of our own families as we pray for your parents, your cousins, your spouses, and your children. Leviticus 25:10 shows that God’s heart is with you to […]
The End of an Era
On September 13, 1987, my first Sunday at Chapel Hill, the choir director asked me to sing a duet with a young Chapel Hill woman. Her name was Kathy Alvestad. I agreed, and it was the beginning of a long and wonderful partnership. In addition to having an angelic voice, it quickly became clear that […]
A Genderless Society?
Nearly every university today offers a class on “gender studies” which tries to make the case that gender is a “social construct.” In other words, any so-called differences that exist between the male and the female of our species, other than the obvious physiological ones, are a product of our culture. We might shake our […]
Intimate Friendship
One of my close friends called me out a few years ago. “You’ve never talked to me about me being single.” This wasn’t a biting remark. She was just letting me know something I was blindly unaware of as a married friend 13 years her junior. “It would be like me being your close friend […]