Category: Uncategorized

Elders & Deacons

In Chapel Hill’s denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), there are typically three offices in the church: Ministers of the Word (Teaching Elders, Pastors), Ruling Elders, and Deacons. Elders share authority with the Pastors, representing the mind of Christ as they understand it in the various courts of the church, watch over the spiritual welfare […]

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A message from your Session about Ravi Zacharias International Ministry

Our Dear Chapel Hill Family: It is with a heavy heart that we report to you that recent rumors surrounding the sexual abuse of several women by Ravi Zacharias and the resulting cover-up were, in fact, true. The Ravi Zacharias International Ministry (RZIM) Board released the results of an independent and thorough investigation that corroborated the […]

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Sending leaders around the world

Chapel Hill helps support believers around the world each with a unique mission. To love the abused or abandoned, to listen, to teach, to offer grace, hope and purpose. As a global church family, we pray for each other and spur one another on. […]

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