Those of you old enough to remember the Flip Wilson Show will recall the character, “Geraldine,” whose favorite excuse for her naughty behavior was, “The Devil made me do it!” It was always a big laugh line. And frankly, that’s the way most in our culture think of the Devil—a nasty red cartoon character with […]
Give Up or Give Away?
Lent begins next week on Ash Wednesday with a worship service in the Memorial Chapel at 7:00pm. If you aren’t sure what Lent is, it’s a season the followers of Jesus have recognized since just a few generations after Jesus rose from the dead. This is a time to slow down, be reflective, and prepare […]
…To Have Eyes for the World
By Julie HawkinsDirector of MissionsBe sure to save the date—the evening of March 12—for a special all-church missions event called On Earth As It Is in Heaven! Read more about it below and watch for additional details coming soon. *************** In the Missions Department, we sometimes refer to part of our job as “setting the […]
Our New Pastor
Six years ago almost exactly, Elder Rich Jasper and I made a quick trip to England to visit, among other things, the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics—a one-year training program run by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, one of our mission partners. We took a red-eye so, when we staggered into the classroom the morning of our arrival, […]
Christian Community
You know that feeling when you’ve spent enough time around someone for them to show their inner goofball? Turns out our whole team is like that. From the pensive Michael Bouterse to the articulate Ellis White, the community developed on this team is one in which all of us got to show our true colors. […]
Unity in Christ
It has been a really, really long week. A good one, for sure, but long. Yesterday the crescendo of excitement, attendance, and encounters with Jesus continued to grow. The two lunchtime talks were the best attended of any that I’ve seen this year or last. The questions were honest, and the answers were articulate. I […]
Keep on Keepin’ On
Over the last couple days, we’ve handed out hundreds of fliers, had hours of conversations about some of life’s deepest questions, and encouraged believers all over the campus to keep on keepin’ on. Tuesday was a total blur. From dawn to dusk our team engaged in conversation after conversation, doing our best to represent Jesus […]
The Joy Commission
“I feel like I’ve wasted my life. After what I’ve experienced this week, I can’t return to my life as it was.” This was what one of my team-mates said this week as they reflected on their time on the campus of ASU, sharing the good news of Jesus with students alongside campus ministries and RZIM. […]
Stepping Into a River
Wow. Yesterday things started, big time. We were up at sunrise to leave for Campus Christian Center (C3) and prep for the day. From the moment we got into the cars, it was a whirlwind. Last year on this trip, there was a sense of pushing hard all week to build up the momentum we […]
Medical Team Recap
Our time in Cambodia was amazing! Because there exists a tremendous lack of medical resources in Cambodia, we admittedly were often overwhelmed by the physical needs of the Cambodian people, particularly in the remote regions we visited. Each physician assessed and treated approximately 60 patients each day through an interpreter. Over the course of the week, the physicians were able to […]