Category: Uncategorized

Damascus, then and now

We have all watched with interest and trepidation the awful things happening in Syria right now.  Under Assad’s brutal regime, 12 million Syrians…half of their population…have fled the country.  It would be the equivalent of everyone west of Ohio and north of Texas fleeing their homes.  And if that weren’t awful enough, now the Russians […]

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Saturday nights…here we go!

This Saturday at 6:30pm we launch our new worship service in the Memorial Chapel.  We are obviously excited about this new venture, but more importantly, you seem to be excited about it, too.  I can’t tell you the number of people who have stopped me and said, “We are in for Saturday!  We’ve been waiting for something […]

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So… what IS ‚ÄúThe Story?‚Äù

Tomorrow, we kick off a year-long journey through The Story. It is the most integrated preaching/teaching ministry we have ever undertaken at Chapel Hill. Every Sunday School class, youth group, LifeGroup, Men’s and Women’s study…all of them will follow along as week by week, we read and work our way through The Story. But a […]

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