What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus must depart so he can send the Holy Spirit. (7) Jesus doesn’t give me more than I can bear. (12) What did I learn about disciple-making? Asking and receiving, in Jesus’ name, will bring great joy. (24) The Holy Spirit will guide me in the truth and bring […]
John 15
What did I learn about Jesus? Fruit-bearing is a natural part of being a follower of Jesus To bear fruit I must remain connected to Jesus What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciples who remain connected to Jesus can ask for whatever they wish! (7) I bring glory to the Father when I bear fruit. […]
John 14
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus is THE WAY to God the Father. (6) When I die, I am going to be with Jesus! (1-4) What did I learn about disciple-making? Those who love Jesus obey his commands (15, 21, 23) I trust the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, who lives in me […]
John 13
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus showed his disciples the “full extent of his love” by washing their feet. We demonstrate God’s love when we serve others. What did I learn about disciple-making? Loving others is the prerequisite to all disciple-making. We model disciple-making best when we love others sacrificially. Extended thoughts and observations […]
The Inconvenience of Saving Someone
Her name was Maria. She was perhaps five years old. I was sitting beside the pool on vacation, reading a book, having no interest in getting wet when I noticed this little dark-haired girl struggling to get her head above water. I realized that this was serious, so I jumped in, helped her to the […]
John 12
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus was not put off by extravagant expression of love toward him. What does it look like for me to express my love for God in an extravagant way? What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciple-makers need to evaluate their motives in ministry so they are seeking God’s praise […]
John 11
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus shows his humanity when he weeps over Lazarus’ death with Mary and Martha. Being present with people in their grieving is a powerful act of love. What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciple-makers who empathize with grieving disciples perform a powerful ministry. Disciple-makers can help disciples see past […]
John 10
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus is the Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep (us!) We must go through Jesus to experience abundant life. What did I learn about disciple-making? Disciple-makers guard and protect younger disciples from the enemy who is out to kill, steal and destroy. As a disciple-maker I […]
And We’re Off…
When you read this, we will probably be somewhere over the European continent flying from Frankfurt, Germany to Delhi, India. There we will meet up with one of our Church Projects, Catalyst India, and our friend Abhishek Gier. Everything will be different; the food, the time zone (12.5 hours), the crowds, and the needs. Over […]
John 9
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus corrected the prevailing teaching that physical ailments were the result of personal sin. Do I earnestly pray for God’s power to be manifest for healing? What did I learn about disciple-making? Sometimes people think they are spiritually “enlightened” but are blind. We must teach disciples to seek the […]