You don’t have to read very far to discover examples of behavior on the part of pastors and church leaders that brings reproach to the Lord and embarrassment to the Church. In recent conversations with denominational leaders, I learned of several mega-churches across the country in which the pastor is accountable to no one within […]
Luke 23
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus died with criminals (verse 32). Even at his crucifixion, Jesus cried out to God for forgiveness for the people (verse 34). What did I learn about disciple-making? Forgiveness is available to us in Jesus, even in a final, desperate cry (verses 42-43). Extended thoughts and observations from Pastor […]
Poipet Dust
By Dan Griswold Something I will never forget about Poipet Cambodia is its dust. Poipet dust is infamous. It’s in the air, its, in the street, its inside the buildings, its everywhere. When it rains, the Poipet dust becomes the Poipet mud…. and it’s everywhere! Poipet dust reminds me of the brokenness of man… It’s […]
Luke 22
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus created a new covenant—a new way of being in relationship with God—through his blood (verse 20). Jesus expected his disciples to be tempted as with Judas and Peter, and rather than prevent it, he prayed that their “faith may not fail,” (verse 32). What did I learn about […]
Luke 21
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus is more concerned with the motivation of the heart than the quantity (verses 1-4). Jesus would not have us be surprised by the global assault on the Church that we are seeing; this IS the present for our brothers and sisters around the globe (verses 10-28). What did I learn about […]
John 2
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding celebration without great fanfare. We need to serve God humbly without expecting great recognition. What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus showed others the importance of giving their best. We must give our best in service to the Lord. Extended […]
The Flight Home
By Pastor Greg Hello team, as I sit here on our 9-hour flight home, I have some time to reflect on our amazing trip to serve alongside our Cambodian brothers and sisters. What a great trip it was, and while I know the pastoral team was blessed to see the “Good,” I know that much […]
Luke 20
What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus cleverly responds to those who would try to trap him not with condemnation but with questions that unlock their motives. What did I learn about disciple-making? I could better utilize the art of returning a question with a question. Beware of those who are prideful and like having […]
Luke 19
What did I learn about Jesus? “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (verse 10). Jesus is a highly sought after man—both positively by those who will hang onto his words and those that seek to have him destroyed (verses 47-48). What did I learn about disciple-making? There is an […]
Holy Spirit in Poipet
By Randy Cook We have completed the week of “work” in Poipet – and were afforded the entire day of Saturday to rest and catch up on other things. What a blessing this past week has been in so many ways. I put “work” in quotes as it seems that so much of time we were (and are) […]