Category: Uncategorized

Would you like to save your church some money?

A growing percentage of our Chapel Hill family is choosing to make their contributions electronically. I understand; Cyndi and I do an automatic bank draft from my paycheck to ensure that our tithe is really a “first fruit” gift. In order to accommodate this trend and, frankly, to do so more economically and efficiently, we […]

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Luke 9

What did I learn about Jesus? Peter declares Jesus, “God’s Messiah.” (NIV, verse 20) Jesus knew his work on earth would include his suffering, death and resurrection. (verse 22, 44) What did I learn about disciple-making? Jesus wasn’t afraid to send his disciples out unprepared! (verses 1-6) Jesus knows our work as disciple-makers will include […]

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Luke 8

What did I learn about Jesus? Jesus discipled many women of diverse backgrounds—formerly demon- possessed, wealthy, and even King Herod’s manager’s wife! (verses 1-3) Jesus is God the Creator with power over nature. (verses 22-25)  What did I learn about disciple-making? Expect your faith to be tested when you’re following Jesus. (verses 22-25) Sometimes lessons […]

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