I often get asked how many people attended Alpha and to share the stories of those who came to faith. These are definitely things worth celebrating, but one question I rarely get asked is how many people invited to Alpha or to share a story of someone who invited to Alpha. Those stories demonstrate the […]
One thing that we became more aware of after COVID-19 is cleanliness. Think of the things we enjoy more if they are “clean”? Maybe we think of doorknobs, bathrooms, kitchen counters, floors, drawers, garages, cell phones, computer screens or keyboards, microwave ovens, refrigerators, our clothes, our hands, teeth, sheets, pillowcases, windows, car windshields. The list […]
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Dependent on when you read this, we are about halfway through the season of the church calendar called Lent. During this 40-day period, Christians may fast from something like sweets, social media, television and spend time reflecting on Christ’s sacrificial death. I started Lent out strong. I love a good challenge. I love goals. I […]
Did I wake up in a strange new world?
I love Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Not only because Carroll and I studied the same degree at the same school, but because I think Alice’s story is a parable for the world in which we now find ourselves. Over the past 50 years, perhaps even over the past 15 years, it feels like […]
Discover deeper love
This past week, something occurred that will only happen three times this century: Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fell on the same day. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent, a 40-day season of prayer, fasting, and generosity that ends at sundown on Maundy Thursday. Valentine’s Day is, of course, that made-up holiday intended to […]
What makes a Mexico trip life-changing?
When facing a new experience, are you more likely to dive in or dip your toe? “Dive in!” is the theme for our high school global outreach team leaving for Mexico one week from today. We were inspired by God’s promise to Isaiah: Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do […]
Expressing our hearts to the Lord
“Corporate worship is a weekly event that God uses to shape our people’s souls over the course of decades.” This quote is why our worship together as a church family, week after week, is so valuable to me! Our services…the songs we sing, the prayers we offer, the Word preached…are not only an opportunity to […]
Created for wonder: how to recapture wonder in your life
Sunday’s Coming! “Judas.” The name is synonymous with betrayal. Brutus, Fawkes, Arnold, Quisling…all world-class traitors in their own right, must bow before the height of treachery perpetrated by a disciple whom Jesus called “friend.” We are told “Satan entered Judas.” Did that mean he was possessed? Did he have any choice? How could one who spent three years […]
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The end is near! (Or is it?)
Eschatology. It’s a very fancy theological word that means “the study of end times.” It’s based on a Greek word eschatos which means “last things.” In our EPC world (Evangelical Presbyterian Church…our denomination), eschatology is considered a non-essential. In other words, we affirm that faithful, Bible-believing Christians can disagree on these doctrines and not have […]
New beginnings at Alpha
Every person’s journey in faith started when another person was bold enough to share theirs. Who was it that helped YOU to discover faith? The Alpha team are such an encouragement to me because every individual is aware of their testimony…being invited to explore faith, invited to participate in Alpha, and invited into becoming a […]