Romans In Depth Class

Romans In Depth Class

Every week on Sunday until Nov 19, 2017 from 10:00a to 10:45p

This Fall, we'll be exploring arguably the most influential book of the Bible in modern history: the Epistle to the Romans. Apostle Paul's eloquent and rich treatise on the Gospel has both enthralled, and stumbled, many of its readers. Every Sunday between services in the Prayer Chapel, we'll take a closer look at that week's sermon passage and explore in depth the meaning of the Gospel for us today. This class will be particularly for LifeGroup leaders who want a leg up on being prepared to lead their groups for the week, but will be useful for anyone wanting some extra study. Pastor Larry will be the main teacher. 

*Meeting in Prayer Chapel*


Events - Adults


Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church
7700 Skansie AveGig Harbor, WA 98335-8309