Archives: Videos

Serve One Another

How many of you have ever received this? A jury summons. I did. Two weeks ago, I cancelled my appointments, packed a lunch, charged my Kindle, schlepped to the courthouse, went through security, joined the cattle call, got this badge… and waited. And waited. And lined up. And walked to another room. And waited. And […]

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Pray for One Another

Good morning, Chapel Hill! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Pastor Gunnar. And I’m so grateful to be with you this morning as we continue our sermon series on the “one anothers” of the Bible. We have been exploring together how the New Testament calls us to live with one another as […]

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Honor One Another

Last week I was at a dinner event when Chapel Hill members, Jay and Peachy Smalling, beckoned me to their table. To my surprise, seated with them, was the pope. Not Pope Francis; it was another pope. (I didn’t know we had another pope.) I sat down in the chair across from the pope and […]

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Accept One Another

One of my great joys in life is that I get to live near my family. Every Sunday night, my parents, grandparents, and any of my sisters who are in town gather together for family dinner. We sit around and talk, laugh, and eat. It is such a special time. And we all always get […]

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